Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hello Everyone! Thank you to all the folks who came on Thursday and helped make the experience special for Katherine. I think she had a great time! 

Also a big Thank you to Silje who paid all the initial costs for the party - including the spa treatment, all the food and drink, as well as the decorations. The total for the party came to around 7000 kr, and unfortunately she has only received around 1700 kr. If you didn't get a chance to give her some money at the party, you can do so at today's party or put it in her account: 73311413594

Thank you!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hello All! I am soo sorry for the last minute change, but upon arriving in Stavanger I realise that it is much A) Colder and B) more expensive than I remembered! So, we've changed it to be indoors and at a house so we can drink, play games, eat without freezing to death or spending our life savings.


3 - 4.30 pm:  Spa (same place)

5.00 pm - 9pm: Bernt's house

Address is:
Mellomstraen 8
in Gamle Stavanger
See  MAP below. 

9pm - onwards - bar hopping

Also, if possible, WEAR BLUE!!!  

If you need to call me, here is my number here in Norway: 93252506

Lastly, Silje and myself will be putting down money for: Food, Drink, Games, Presents for Katherine (including the 800kr spa treatment). We would really appreciate if you can contribute around 300 kr, depending on how much you eat and drink. Those going to the spa will pay for that separately. 

HERE is the MAP:

View Larger Map

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hello Everyone! The Party has been Finalised! See below for all details, maps and address. You do not have to go to everything, whatever your time and budget permits :) 

FIRST, (15.00) we will meet at the Spa and Katherine will get the bridal treatment. Anyone who wants to come along, please do! Just email me ( by Monday, June 18th if you want to come so I can tell the Spa.

SECOND, (17.00) we will have a picnic in the park! Bring towels, drinks, snacks, games. If the weather is very bad, we will meet at the entrance of the Stavanger Museum. 

THIRD, (19.00) Dinner at Sting Cafe. It's reserved for 20 people, so please let me know if you can come! 

The Route: 

The exact addresses:

Please email/ Facebook me for any questions/comments/etc.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Save the Date

Hello All! 

As you may know, I'm putting together Katherine's Bachelorette party! Unfortunately Facebook does not appear to be a safe haven to discuss it privately... so why not do it on the world wide web?

I will confirm the exact specifics this week, but I want to make sure everyone has the date saved first: Thursday, June 21st, 2012

So far, this is the gist:

15.00 - Dance Class! (around 130 kr. per person)
17.00 - Spa (around 230 per person - or you are welcome to contribute to Katherine's Spa treatment)
19.00 - Dinner/ Drinks at a restaurant... I'm thinking Sting Cafe (or Fingerfood next door). Games and activities to come. Pay for what you want.

So far, we do not have enough people for the Dance class... I know it's a work day - so if we do not get enough people by the end of the month, we will scrap that and just have the Spa and dinner/drinks.

If you have any questions, post below in the comments or email me at